
This course addresses the health of cities with respect to the community stewardship of its watersheds. Students are challenged in a learning and community development process of discovery and direct involvement. The essential elements of the Capstone focus on the factors that can contribute to the health of Portland's watersheds.

Grant writing skills are critical to the survival of many non-profit environmental organizations.  In this course you will learn grant writing skills by developing real proposals for a local environmental non-profit organization. The rich history of citizen-based environmental advocacy in the US will play a central role in class discussions, presentations and reflective writing assignments throughout the term.

Student Learning Outcomes

Increasingly, migrant workers in Oregon and other western states are arriving from southern Mexico, especially from the indigenous communities in the southern state of Oaxaca. Migration impacts the health of this population in complex ways, and challenges health care systems on both sides of the border. This Capstone course takes students to Oaxaca, Mexico to study the cultural, economic and social forces that impact health in both sending and receiving communities.

Queer & Trans Youth

It is estimated that 1 in 10 individuals identify as a sexual minority. Often an already challenging stage in identity development, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender & questioning (LGBTQ) youth face a set of issues unique to their daily lives.

Effective Change Agent

Already volunteering and want to get credit? Have an internship and want to combine that with your capstone? Curious about what is possible? This course is designed for students to to develop their own community projects and work in partnership with them to effect change. This project may be an existing relationship or one sought for the purposes of this class.



Students will work in partnership with the Clackamas River Basin Council to monitor over twenty stream sites both public and private. Local land owners will provide access to their stream side properties in order for students to collect and analyze water samples.

IMPORTANT: This Capstone course will not be available for the 2020-2021 academic year. 

Research and Society. The objectives of Research and Society are: Community service with an emphasis on the sciences and your research interests; Learning to communicate scientific material in various media to professional and lay audiences; Higher level thinking about questions about scientific processes & ethics—synthesizing knowledge; and, Preparation to complete undergrad work and enter grad school and the workforce.

Scott SUN and Portland State University (PSU) coordinate the "Art & Community Mapping" after-school program. PSU Fine Arts professor Sabina Haque leads the class of 20 Scott students (gr. 4-8) and 20 volunteers from her PSU capstone class. PSU and Scott students are matched for individual mentorship.
