Community Art as a Force for Social Change
Community-Based Art as a Force for Social Change What can art do? This course will examine the potential that creative acts have to effect social, political,local and personal change through the social application of art in the context of an arts program geared towards homeless and transitional populations facilitated and directed by PSU students.
Through examining art historical context this course will look at the ideas surrounding community art, dialogical art, new genre ublic art, and art and social practice. Through reflecting critically on a wide variety of movements and approaches to socially engaged art making and discussing the works of artists such as Stephan Willats, Michael Rakowitz, Temporary Services, Suzanne Lacey, Tim Rollins and K.O.S, and Group Material, the class will gain a rich understanding of this way of working and apply their investigations by creating an art workshop program for the population at the Bud Clark Commons that will culminate in an exhibition of the art work created through that class.
We are partnered with the Bud Clark Commons, a cornerstone of the City’s 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness, to explore how art can be used to serve this transitional population and bring awareness of these issues to the local community. We hope that through this art program offered through the Bud Clark Commons we can begin to break down barriers of poverty, homelessness, power and privilege through art and outreach.
Students taking this course must arrange for their own transportation to the Bud Clark Commons. Students will also be responsible for attending the weekly arts program at BCC that takes place outside of class time.