Creating Global Citizens

Instructor Name: 
Laura Mulas
Course Description: 

Global citizenship is of utmost importance as our societies are increasingly becoming more connected through media and technology. There is a growing disparity in the American school system that allows only the privileged students to participate in meaningful and engaging cultural learning. Schools that receive funding and support are able to facilitate cultural exchanges in person for students and faculty, while the majority of students in the public system receive little financial support and are left without any type of cultural exchange or enrichment program. This capstone will provide this needed and valuable cultural exchange.

This course focus is creating a vibrant online cultural exchange platform to be used by paired K-12 teachers in Spain and Portland. This course will include an introduction to online tools and platforms, pedagogy and rational for promoting global consciousness and citizenship. Capstone students will work in small groups to design lessons for the platform that K-12 teachers will use in their classroom. In addition the students will create tutorials for the teachers and a promotional and informational video.

Important note — In order to fulfill the dynamic online assignments you will need a computer, internet access, webcam, microphone, and speakers, in order to participate and to interact with the instructor and other students. The course will use a variety of free applications and platforms some examples are Skype, Google Hangouts, Youtube, Vimeo, Jing, WIX and other similar products. Instruction will be provided for all online tools utilized in this capstone.