Japanese & Chinese Language Program for Youth
Japanese & Chinese Language Program for Youth
This Capstone takes place over the winter and spring terms. Over two terms, Winter and Spring, Capstone students will work with elementary school programs in the Portland area by assisting the classroom teachers. They will also engage in activities to promote foreign language education for young children. The class addresses various issues concerning language learning and teaching, learning styles, language policies, Japanese/Chinese culture and diversity. Completion of JPN/CHN201 is strongly recommended although it is not a requirement. Please contact Yoko Sakurauchi, ysakura@pdx.edu, for more information.
The final project will be presented during the last class hours. Students (individually or as a group of 2 to 3, depending on the school assignment) will showcase their off-campus activity. It will be a combination of a poster session (exhibit material) and a presentation (demonstrating an activity, show and tell, etc.). The activity to be presented and format of presentation may vary. The project may inlvolve a game or lesson that was most successful (simulation), a website created for the language program (online presentation), and promotion activity (videotaping or poster with flyers and photos).