Community Health Partnership

Community Health Partnership (CHP).  CHP works closely on several collaborations with other health organizations, such as Upstream Public Health, the Oregon Nutrition Policy Alliance, and the Multnomah County Health Department.

Established in 1999, Community Health Partnership (CHP) is an independent, not-for-profit organization committed to improving the health of Oregonians through advocacy and support of effective public health policy and activities.  Initial programs focused on assisting public health workers in meeting urgent client needs, developing Oregon's public health work force, and recognizing public health leadership, innovation and excellence.

Beginning in 2003, CHP introduced strategic focus projects which identify and address population-based issues of current public health significance.  As its first strategic focus, the CHP Board identified Prevention of Youth Obesity.  CHP's goals are to increase public awareness of the serious health consequences of being overweight and to assist communities in the development of effective nutrition and physical activity policies and activities.

Students will be working both as a class and in small groups on projects that will support the work of CHP and their partners on the issue of menu labeling.  Recently, Multnomah County passed an ordinance requiring certain restaurants to include nutritional information at the point of purchase for all menu items.  CHP has worked extensively on this new policy, which is expected to be implemented by the county in the summer of 2009.

(503) 227-5502