Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon (MESO) - Appleyard

Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon seeks to broaden economic opportunities for underserved entrepreneurs by providing business support to increase growth in income, assets, and business skills.

Since its inception in July 2005, the Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon, has supported businesses with a diversity in trade and color.  We are a program of Pedagogy Institute, a 501(c)(3) non-profit.  MESO continues to maintain its original mission while adding new resources to meet the changing needs of its entrepreneurs and the marketplace.

MESO’s clients engage in a wide array of economic activities that include frozen baked goods, child care services, video production services, beauty products, art, automotive services, marketing services, and a variety of other goods and services.

MESO’s uniqueness in business development is based on the philosophy of customizing support to the needs of the business. We believe you cannot mass produce businesses. Building a strong foundation will stabilize and grow the businesses to become successful.  We recognize the complex and multi-level problems experienced by entrepreneurs and offer support services in an integrated manner.
