Street Roots

Street Roots is the community partner for this Capstone. Street Roots newspaper is a Portland non-profit organization that benefits homeless men and women who sell the newspaper as street vendors.

The newspaper runs on a tight budget; students in the course will provide “free” and much-welcomed content for publication in the paper. In addition, students will be educating the general public through their published writing on issues surrounding homelessness. Students should budget about 20 hours of out-of-class time for project work. Student stories become the property of Street Roots upon delivery to the paper, and student use and/or publication of the material must be discussed with and approved in advance by Street Roots. Articles will be reported and written in student teams. It is the responsibility of the student teams to divide work equally and to meet regularly for the writing, photo selection, revision and editing process. The final article will be graded as a whole package, including photography and captions.
