Instructor Name: Mary Ann Schmidt
CRN: 81658
Students will work in partnership with the Clackamas River Basin Council to monitor over twenty stream sites both public and private. Local land owners will provide access to their stream side properties in order for students to collect and analyze water samples. Students will provide creek side landowners with information on the quality of their local surface water, and also report their river basin wide project results to the Clackamas River Basin Council.
This course involves field and lab...
Sustainability Research Education Science Retired-course
Instructor Name: DeEtte Beghtol Waleed
CRN: 14659
“I learned that I can no longer just turn my head and walk away.”
We are surrounded by violence in many areas of our lives – crime, TV, wars, domestic violence and much more. The class seeks to understand why our culture is violent. We will interview leaders working to overcome violence in the US and other countries to learn how change is possible. Structural violence and the interconnections between violence and poverty will be explored and analyzed in order to learn new strategies to...
Conflict Resolution Conflict International International Relations History Political Science Research Psychology Education Sociology Criminal Justice
Instructor Name: Mary Ann Schmidt
CRN: 64095
Quality Assurance for Volunteer Stream Monitoring.Science Background Not Required.
Students will coordinate and implement all aspects of the quality assurance project plan (QAPP) for the Student Watershed Research Project (SWRP)'s volunteer monitoring program. Students will work as a team to ensure data quality for the 15 high school groups involved in SWRP. Non-science majors are encouraged to become "citizen scientists" through their participation in this capstone.
Potential Students for...
Education Sustainability Research Science Retired-course
Instructor Name: DeEtte Beghtol Waleed
CRN: 14185
In the past few years we have been inundated with information about sexual assault and the efforts of women, girls, and gender nonconforming people to resist it. More people are aware of the size and seriousness of this problem. In addition to violence in our homes we are increasingly aware of transgender violence, Military Sexual Trauma and violence against women in prisons. Intimate partner violence and sexual assault become even more difficult when the victim is in a foreign country or...
Fall 2019
Gender violence International Global Studies Political Science Research Psychology Sociology Conflict Law Criminal Justice Education
Instructor Name: Alissa Leavitt
CRN: 64816, 63951, 44038
Pathways to Health Equity (Formerly called Health Professionals as Agents of Change)
Influences such as income, living conditions, education, infrastructure, healthcare, social capital, public policy, stress, gender, and race are widely recognized to effect health outcomes. However, the connection between research and practice is sometimes not as well developed or fully articulated.
Students will have the opportunity to work with practitioners to engage the community, including...
Winter 2023
Community Health Population-based health healthcare health equity behavioral health trauma-informed care environmental health community engagement Disabilities Education security; hunger; sustainability; food justice; food equity LGBTQ social work Poverty Awareness Anti-Racism Child and Family Age-friendly Communities College campus Research Refugees physical activity social determinants of health public health social change counseling school-based health maternal & child health oral health community organizing social connections community outreach social isolation faith-based health care