Political Science
This capstone is similar to the Gender and Violence capstone but includes more emphasis on international issues.
Brief description
“I learned that I can no longer just turn my head and walk away.”
Engaging Democracy
This Capstone takes place over the winter and spring term, and is only offered every other year, when the Oregon Legislature has a full session. One of the most pressing problems in American politics today is that the public feels increasingly distant from elected leaders. To many reformers, the health of the nation’s democracy can only improve by getting more young people involved in politics. The Engaging Democracy capstone addresses this problem by having students assist Oregon legislators during the long legislative session in odd calendar years in Salem, where they will help handle the broad range of responsibilities placed on legislative staff. During classroom times, students will learn about the position of legislatures in American politics and the character of Oregon politics. As a final project, the students will work together on a web-based guide to the Legislative Assembly. The work in the capitol will be arranged around each individual student’s schedule. Carpooling should be available. It is likely we will have some funds to offset travel costs.