Community Psychology Capstone - Dancis

Instructor Name: 
Julia Dancis
Course Description: 

Community Psychology Flyer




This two-term capstone will explore a core community psychology framework--Participatory Action Research (PAR). In the spirit of learning by doing, students will partner with groups on campus to design action research projects around the course theme: Disrupting Systemic Racism at PSU. These projects will involve collecting data and using those data to inform social action. The course will culminate with group reflections on the projects and on Participatory Action Research as a Community Psychology competency.

Course Objectives

By the end of the 20-week capstone, students will be able to:
1. apply community psychology principles to real world problems;
2. identify key components in Participatory Action Research;
3. understand the technologies used to uphold systemic racism in higher education;
4. design a research study, conduct research, and analyze data;
5. engage in cycles of action and reflection guided by community psychology competencies.


Project Description 

For the Winter and Spring 2020 capstone, we will be working with several partners within the PSU community to disrupt systemic racism at our university.